Kabbalah ‘The Omen’

Kabbalah 'The Omen'

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Kabbalah emerge somewhat out of place and out of time, but no more than they would seem to want to be, and there is no point at which their devotionalism overwhelms their craft. A burgeoning individuality holds further promise for growth, but one would be remiss not to note the confidence and righteous poise with which this material is — still organically — delivered. – The Obelisk


  1. Stigmatize
  2. Ceibas
  3. Night Comes Near
  4. The Ritual
  5. Lamentations
  6. Labyrinth
  7. Duna
  8. Liturgy


You can purchase this and more from the Ripple Music webstore at: http://ripplemusic.bigcartel.com
