Ripple Music couldn’t be more excited to announce that they’ve paired up with WEED IS WEED, featuring stoner/doom royalty from Sprit Caravan, Pentagram and Earthride, to release the vinyl version of the debut album, Blunt Force Trauma. Originally recorded by the band and sold on a very small scale only at live shows, Ripple Music has now packaged this onslaught of acrid-haze stoner heaviness for mass consumption.
Years of seismic rumbling have led way to the tectonic formation that is Weed Is Weed. Two legendary masters of Maryland doom, Dave ‘Sherm” Sherman and Gary Isom, comewith a stoner/doom metal pedigree second to none. Sherm and Gary have been the creative catalysts in such genre defining bands as Pentagram, Earthride, and Spirit Caravan, and now they launch their newest, blazing heavy rock venture. Having assembled their most blazing line-up ever, this group of musicians have crafted the perfect sound track for red-eyed blazers the world over Blunt Force Trauma, which was originally released in January 2013. Blitzed out, stoned heaviness is the order as this collection of tales of reefer madness and alligator fights is slated to be released on vinyl in October by Ripple Music.Sherm is completely shredding the vocals, undoubtedly turning in his best performance to date, as he is more than ably backed by the rip and tear of the triple-guitar attack courtesy of Gary on slide & lead guitar teamed up with Jason Fisher and Rob Portillo’s riffing and rolling. Match that with the full on rhythmic assault of Darren Waters on bass, and the single moniker’d Cougin on drums, and this band is ready to pummel the unsuspecting ear drums of those about to burn.
Weed Is Weed is:
Dave Sherman – Lead Vocals/ Guitar
Jason Fisher – Guitar
Darren Waters – Bass Guitar
Rob Portillo – Guitar
Gary Isom – Lead/ Slide Guitar
Cougin – Percussion
Release Dates:
North America: Oct 14, 2014
Europe/UK: Oct 13, 2014